Within the HABITRACK project, the Department of Ecology is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to support the analysis of waterfowl movement data to generate basic understanding and insight for conservation guidance. As a postdoctoral researcher you will contribute directly to improving habitat management and restoration recommendations for declining bird species in Europe.

Your research will focus on answering two main questions:
1.    Which habitats and niches do migratory waterfowl (Northern pintails, Eurasian wigeons, Garganeys, Taiga Bean geese) prefer for foraging and resting during the time of the year that they reside in the European Union?
2.    How does the spring migration stopover behaviour of the studied species relate to breeding success in the Arctic?

In order to answer these questions, you will clean and explore a multitude of collected GPS tracking data, link them to remotely sensed environmental data and statistically model relevant ecological processes. You will also be partly responsible for the management of the tracking data sets collected by the HABITRACK team.

You will publish your findings in international scientific journals and disseminate them to colleagues, policy-makers and other stakeholders. Furthermore, as the data is collected by different people and institutions, you will join regular project meetings and exchange knowledge and information with other postdoctoral researchers and PhD students working at the different partner institutions.