The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University was founded in 2003 and counts more than 6,700 students and more than 2,000 employees from around the world. The University’s faculties and interdisciplinary centres focus on research in the areas of Computer Science and ICT Security, Materials Science, European and International Law, Finance and Financial Innovation, Education, Contemporary and Digital History. In addition, the University focuses on cross-disciplinary research in the areas of Data Modelling and Simulation as well as Health and System Biomedicine. Times Higher Education ranks the University of Luxembourg #3 worldwide for its “international outlook,” #20 in the Young University Ranking 2021 and among the top 250 universities worldwide.
The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) is a research centre for the study, analysis and public dissemination of contemporary history of Luxembourg and Europe with a particular focus on digital methods and tools for doing innovative historical research. It serves as a catalyst for innovative and creative scholarship and new forms of public dissemination and societal engagement with history. For more information about C2DH, please visit:
The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History is looking to hire one postdoctoral researcher in public history. The researcher will be part of the Public History and Outreach (PHO) group (
Focusing on the production of history with a public perspective, public history has developed as one of the most dynamic international fields of the historical discipline. The Public History and Outreach group’s values focus on:
We are developing and using interactive media to produce, share, and discuss historical research with the public (
Applications should be submitted online and include
Early application is highly encouraged, as the applications will be processed upon reception. Please apply formally through the HR system. Applications by email will not be considered.
The University of Luxembourg embraces inclusion and diversity as key values. We are fully committed to removing any discriminatory barrier related to gender, and not only, in recruitment and career progression of our staff.
General information
The yearly gross salary for every Postdoctoral Researcher at the UL is EUR 83099 (full time)
For further information please contact:
For more information about C²DH, please visit: